While you may not have poinsettia in your garden, you can still bring in the holiday cheer by doing these unique holiday décor for Christmas.
Pathway into a Runway
When Santa Claus lands to bring his Christmas gifts, make sure his reindeers have enough landing space. Turn your pathway into a charming runway so Santa and his reindeers won’t miss your house!
Melted Frosty and Olaf
So the two famous snowmen have found each other in your backyard. However, there’s a problem. Texas may not have that much snowfall but don’t you worry. As Olaf once said, “some people are worth melting for.” And in this décor situation, it’s your home.
Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire
While the holidays may bring cooler climes, a warm fire brings friends and family closer together during the holidays. Make your outdoor fireplace ready to host a chestnut and marshmallow roast anytime and live to the infamous lines of the iconic “Christmas Song.”
Receive Santa in your Porch Paradise
Turn your porch into a paradise for Santa and his reindeers. Hang some Christmas lights, place comfortable chairs and drape warm shawls Santa and his helpers may need on Christmas eve. Don’t forget to mark your home as nice so you’d get nice presents, too.
Living Christmas tree
If you have a tree in your backyard, turn it into a holiday spectacle by decorating it with lights and trinkets. Save one traditional Christmas tree with the living one right in your own backyard. From the Grinch getting caught in its branches or stockings waiting to be filled with Santa’s gifts to holiday treats for the birds and the bees, these are just some décor ideas you can do with your living Christmas tree.